Just like us, dogs need a shaded, ventilated, and cool place during the hot summer days and a warm, dry, and cozy place during the winter. A puppy needs a permanent spot to feel secure. The bedding should be soft. In the first nights, the puppy may cry. It can be soothed with a warm water bottle, a stuffed toy, etc. It is not recommended to approach the puppy every time it cries in the first days.
- from:Dr. Shlomo Albagli, Veterinarian, Yehud
- from:Dr. Shlomo Albagli, Veterinarian, Yehud
There are many cases of road accidents, falls, hits, and other accidents that harm animals. In this article, we will try to help you, dog and cat owners, to correctly diagnose the nature of your pet's injury and to provide first aid if necessary.
- from:Dr. Shlomo Albagli, Veterinarian, Yehud
The commandment of 'Be fruitful and multiply' in animals is one of the most complex and efficient processes in nature. These processes express the entirety of instinctive activities that nature has endowed us with, and can be clearly seen in the creation and bringing of kitten litters into the world.