How Do Cats Come into the World?
Yes, it appears that even animals are diligent about performing commandments!
The commandment of procreation among animals is one of the most complex and efficient processes in nature. These processes manifest the entirety of instinctive activities that nature has endowed us with, and it can be clearly seen in the creation and bringing of kitten litters into the world. In this series of articles, we will provide information on mating, pairing, pregnancy, and childbirth in cats.
The Estrus Cycle
Cats experience their first estrus at the age of 5-11 months. What is called the 'estrus season' is actually a time window that lasts most of the year with short breaks - depending on the cat's breed, its physiological state (i.e., if it's healthy), and the climate. Generally, in Europe, where the climate is characterized by clear seasons, estrus mainly occurs in spring and summer. Here in Israel, the fertile season is indeed spring, but the estrus cycle also lasts many months almost all year round. In tropical regions, where seasonal fluctuations are relatively small, and daylight hours are long, cats experience estrus throughout the year. By the way, prolonged exposure to artificial light (i.e., lighting) also increases the number of estruses per year.
Characteristics of Estrus
The feline sexual cycle is seasonal and includes up to three breeding cycles. That is, in each season there can be several consecutive estruses with short breaks between them. In winter, the breaks are longer, and in summer and spring shorter. Each sexual cycle lasts about 8-10 days followed by a short break and then a new estrus.
The first estruses are usually unnoticeable, and towards the age of one year, they become regular.
Signs of Estrus
With the onset of estrus, the cat changes its behavior, unique cries are heard, attraction towards males is evident, showing signs of affection, rolling on the floor, rubbing itself, and on the legs of its owners.
Petting the nape of the cat, or stimulating at the base of the tail, causes the cat to raise its rear part and enter a breeding posture. Male cats will react to the female's breeding posture and unique scent and compete for the right to mate with her and produce the next generation.
About mating, pregnancy, and birth in the next article.