Caring for Puppy Dogs
Just like us, dogs need a shaded, ventilated, and cool place during the hot summer days and a warm, dry, and cozy place during the winter.
The puppy needs a permanent spot to feel secure. The bedding should be soft.
During the first nights, the puppy may cry. It can be soothed with a warm water bottle, a stuffed toy, etc. It is not recommended to approach the puppy every time it cries in the first days.
The puppy should be fed at fixed times - puppies up to six months old 3 times a day, puppies up to a year old - twice a day, and from one year old once a day.
Puppies are recommended to be given high-quality dry food (puppy food).
It is not recommended to give puppies milk and its products since many may get diarrhea.
Do not give bones to dogs!
Basically, a dog does not soil its immediate environment with its needs, but we must not forget that it concerns a young puppy who, like a baby, does not control its needs and is not used to holding back. Therefore, it should be taken out for short walks several times as much as possible, especially after eating. Typically, dogs do their needs a short time after eating. If you maintain this principle, in addition to fixed meals and fixed amounts of food, in a relatively short time, the puppy will understand that it has the option to do its needs outside.
When the puppy does its needs outside, it should be encouraged with petting, a kind word, a treat, etc.
Starting from 6 weeks of age, the puppy should be vaccinated with the first DHLPP vaccine. Three weeks later, it should receive the second DHLPP vaccine. A month after that, the third DHLPP vaccine.
From the age of three months and up, the puppy should be vaccinated against rabies (this is a mandatory vaccine by law) and be microchipped.
Until the puppy completes the series of vaccinations, it should be avoided as much as possible to expose it to other dogs and not to let it out unleashed.
Treatment against fleas and ticks
It is important to treat year-round.
There are many and varied products in the form of spray, powders, collars, and spot-on treatments. It is advisable that the treatment be carried out according to a veterinarian's recommendation.
General Notes
It is highly recommended to brush the puppy once a day. Brushing is important for the dog's fur and for instilling basic disciplinary habits.
Bathing should be at a low frequency (once a month) and only with shampoo designated for dogs only. Social interaction with children and adults from all age groups is very vital for puppies, and they should not be isolated in any way. Puppies that grow up in families are usually more self-confident and adapt faster to social life.
Maintaining these principles, especially up to 4 months of age, will prepare the puppy for calm, pleasant behavior, and later it will be much easier to train this dog for various purposes.
According to the law, a dog in public must be led on a leash and prevented from roaming.
And most importantly, lots of love!
Good luck!!