Kindergarten Teacher Jobs in Israel

Smart Job Board for the Home and Family
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Child Care
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How does it work?

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  • Want to find a job?

  • Create a profile for free
  • Use our advanced search system
  • Find the best job for you easily and effectively. No agencies involved

Easy access to all of the information, any time with any device

Allows you to keep up to date, contact and receive inquiries comfortably and efficiently
Also available in app:


Helpbook in the Media

  • "Word of mouth is so 2014" (Translated)To the article
  • "Helpbook is the Tinder of our lives as parents" (Translated)Raanan Shaked, March 3 2020, Yediot Ahronot
  • "Employment is usually done by word of mouth. Helpbook upgrades the process and makes it professional" (Translated)Reshet Bet
  • "There are reviews on the site, videos that help to better know the candidate, and recorded recommendations" (Translated)15.5.24, Mako
  • "From Housekeeper to babysitter: Meet the website that will save you" (Translated)To the article
  • "Helpbook is a special website that helps you find a job and hire interesting services..." (Translated)Interview with Idan Kweller
  • Free rich profile advertising

    Helpbook enables you to present yourself in the most complete and reliable way through a personal profile that is rich in details, which gives employers confidence and creates a basis for initial acquaintance.
  • A rich personal profile for candidates
    A personal profile rich in details for an initial introduction and a relaxed feeling. Each job application is accompanied by a personal profile.
  • Focused job ads
    The publication of a focused and detailed job advertisement, through a friendly and customized interface, enables precise definition for the purpose of receiving appropriate inquiries and coordinating initial expectations
  • Sending and receiving inquiries
    Using a simple click, employers can send the job ad which they published to the appropriate candidates through the site. Candidates can apply for jobs with their personal profiles. Each request can be answered with a click - to save phone calls and Email correspondence
  • Introductory video
    A short video will allow you to present yourself in the most convincing way.
  • Recorded Recommendations
    An innovative service where representatives of the site call your recommendations and record a recommendation that will be displayed on your personal profile.
  • Review
    The profile displays reviews given by the site's subscribers. This creates a reliable source of information by the Helpbook's community
  • Easily and efficiently

    No need to spend hours searching to find what exactly fits your requirements... Helpbook has tools that make it simple and easy.
  • Smart search system
    The system specializes in precise, job-based search, and allows you to accurately describe your requirements to find what fits you in a rich database.
  • Information-based sorting
    Weighting a variety of data, such as distance, amount of information, reliability and more - to save unnecessary time and easily find what you were looking for.
  • No agencies involved
    Helpbook is a completely direct job board. Job are posted by families or employers and there is no intermediate agency. All the information is open to you and to other candidates. you have the freedom to apply to any job that fits your needs.
  • Personal Search Log
    The diary accompanies the search process by rating, writing notes and filtering preferences. The diary is private and visible only to your eyes.
  • Quality and up to date database

    The use of the site is customized to each user while maintaining full privacy.
  • High quality
    The site staff reads and approves each profile before publishing it. Employers are invited to publish a review on the candidates' profile and to contribute their experience. The interface encourages the creation of detailed profiles rich in relevant information
  • Up to date
    The contact information verification and date of the last visit to the site are displayed in each profile, and the system makes sure to remind users to update the ads. Employers who encounter incorrect or outdated information are invited to report to us with a touch of a button.
  • Helpbook on facebook
    Connecting to a Facebook account is simple and easy, and shortens the registration process. The personal Facebook page has not been exposed and the site does not publish it.
  • Privacy
    Maintain complete privacy. Personal information such as email address, Facebook account and more is kept in strict secrecy (except for information selected for publication on personal profile).
  • To view the registration packages

Kindergarten Teacher Jobsin Israel(65 jobs)

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